Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Welcome to Change

Over the past year, I've gone through big changes; both physical, personally, and spiritually. I've found that while I am strong, I have weaknesses. That while I am vulnerable, I can withstand anything. While I'm an optimist, it doesn't mean that I cannot shed tears of sorrow. And while I have lost things, I have gained so very much more.

In January, I went through a serious break-up. And though for months afterwards, it hurt, seemed like I wouldn't find somebody new, or have any sort of relationship with my mother again... I have found healing in laughter and faith; strength in the fact that I am young and he won't be the last to hurt my heart; and the power of a mother's love and compassion is great beyond anything in this world. Over the months since then, my mom and I have become closer than ever before.

I've found the silver lining to my clouds through my faith and a backbone through the foundation of my family. I lost a few friends, but gained knowledge through experience. So thank you, God, for all that you have helped me achieve this year and I pray that you continue to bless me with the wonderful people and things that help me to overcome the obstacles that life places before me.

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